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Monday, 15 November 2010

Your intentions for 2011

Why do some people prefer to have a New Year intention instead of a New Year Resolution?  What is the difference between the two?  I think both are the same. Whilst one focuses on the moment, the other removes the “re” bit and just focuses on the “solution”. What do you intend to do, to be or to have in 2011? Do you intend to be happier, kinder, more creative, more forgiving, more tolerant, more loving, more receptive or more generous? How will you be celebrating the achievement of your intention? What intention did you fail to achieve in 2010? What lesson have you leant from that? What will you do differently in 2011?
I encourage you to make the year 2011 the year for your change. I want to encourage you to make it the year that will positively change your life forever. For each of your 2011 intentions, I want you to find a quiet place either in your office, home or anywhere and focus on it. I want you to go to that special space and give yourself some moments of silence. It does not matter how you intend to do it. You can do it standing up. You can also do it sitting down. You can even do it leaning on a tree or a wall. You can do it holding a piece of an object such as flower in your hand and make that object the focus of your attention. You can do it in the way that you find most comfortable to your circumstance. I want you to remain in that special space where you will not be distracted for a few moments. The space can even be on your bed. The place you do it does not really matter provided it gives you an opportunity to remain alone and in silence for a few moments. The Space and the Silence are sacred. They join forces with your creative force to bring your intentions to be.   
Having achieved that unity between your body, your mind and your soul, I want you to close your eyes, remain in that stillness and allow the creative force of intention to flow into your being.  When you have felt that total stillness in your body, I want you to begin focusing on just one of the intentions you have listed for the year 2011. This intention will now become the object of your focus for the next few moments of your life. I want you to start by focusing on the great benefits that your achievement of that one single intention will bring into your life and in the lives of others around you. Focus on what you will be feeling, doing and saying to yourself when you have achieved that intention. Focus on what other people will be feeling, doing and saying about you when you have achieved that intention.
Begin to build a very rich picture of what it would be like achieving that intention. Begin to make a mental list of what you will be seeing. Begin to develop a clear picture of how you will be feeling inside of you. Let your body begin to feel the sense of what you are intending for yourself. You can make it bigger or smaller depending on what that specific intention is in your life. You can even vary the colour; you can bring it into your minds’ screen and allow it to scroll from your left to your right. Try to see it as clearly as you can. For example if your intention is to live a healthier lifestyle, begin to see the picture of healthy self in front of you. If your intention is to own a new car, begin to see the picture of the brand new car in your mind’s eyes, its model, its engine capacity, its colours,. You can even feel its air-conditioned system washing all over your body. You can see the brand new salon car packed in your garage. If any part of feels blurred in your eyes, scroll it back and view it again, making sure what you are viewing is the car you intend to buy for yourself or for your wife. Anything that appears within the image that does not seem to align with that intention, isolate it. Take a closer look at it. Spend a little time on it and notice what you see, what you feel and observe any changes in your body. If you still cannot find any positive connection, delete that part from the picture. Once what you are seeing agrees with what you intend to have, enjoy the view, relish having it and be proud of it.  
As you focus on your intention, do not give a space to any negative thoughts. They would try to slip in from time to time as you remain in silence meditative mode. This is to be expected. Do not fight it. Whatever you fight fights you back. Just notice it and let it pass by. You can even say goodbye to it. It has no space in your mind at that very moment. That moment is your moment with your creative Source. You are in the process of making a covenant with your creative Source. You are agreeing with your Source what you intend to do, be or have in the coming year. It is a meeting of great minds. You have laid your agenda for the meeting. You will go out of the meeting with action points. If no action points emerge immediately, do not worry, it will come sooner rather than later. Just notice and observe e whatever comes your way during the meeting. You can never leave a meeting with your Source empty handed.  Whatever you intend for 2011 will come from nowhere to now here. I promise you.

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