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Monday, 15 November 2010

Living your destiny on a daily basis

When people talk about destiny, some think in terms of a life that has been pre-determined by a supernatural power. They belief that, as a human being, you have no control over the way you live your life. They belief that your live has been given and that you have no choice in what you do and how you do it. This line of thinking presupposes that you have no freewill, no willpower and therefore no ability to control your destiny.
I belief that destiny is all about your journey in life. It is not the end of your journey but the totality of how you live your life on earth. It is all about the birth and death that are intrinsically part of living your life. It is all about the joys and pains inherent in living your life. It is all about the guilt and the innocent feelings you carry about throughout your entire life. It is all about the ways and manners you live your life moment by moment.
God does not restrict you from doing whatever you wish to do. He gives you the freewill to act in whatever way that pleases you. You have the willpower to make your own choices. God does not interfere with the way you prefer to live your life. That is the beauty of God. He allows you to be what you want to be. He gives you the freedom to have whatever you want to have. He does not stop you from doing what you want to do. However, He has an intention for creating you. What is that intention? This is in the way He wants you to live your live. Some might say there are contradictions here. There are no contradictions. Look at this way. As a father, I love my children and want them to be happy. However, as adults, I cannot dictate to them what they should do to be happy. I want them to be safe whenever they go out. I cannot choose their friends for them. I want them to live healthy lifestyles. However, I cannot control what they eat, what they drink or what enters their body.  
Perhaps God intended that you become an instrument of peace and love in your neighbourhood. However, you can choose to be an instrument of war, hatred and rumour monger. Perhaps He intended you to be a creative force for human good. However, you can choose to become a force for human destruction. Perhaps He intended you to show love and kindness to all your neighbours. However, you can choose to become an agent of persecution and annihilation. Perhaps God intended you to become the source of abundance supply of resources to meet the needs of people around you. However, you can choose to become the conduit pipe through which you siphon all your country’s limited resources into foreign bank accounts and thereby create a scarcity and want mentality among your own people. Perhaps God intended that you become the person that would liberate your people and lead them into that Promised Land. However, you can choose to become the person that leads them to perdition.
People can choose to be used either for the force of good or for evil.  What you choose to do with every area of your life becomes part of your destiny. It is about living according to your values and beliefs. It is about living to your own expectations. It is about living your life with attitudes that are highly sensitive to events around you. It is about living your life always thinking in terms of what you have for life instead of what life has for you.
Living your destiny can mean either living as God intended or as you intended. Aligning God’s intention with yours is an act of ultimate meaning. His intention for your life is everything that is good about humanity and everything that edifies God. Living your destiny is about living by the moments. It is about living for one another. It is about your knowing that whatever passes through you by way of material possessions are not yours to hoard. It is about knowing how to pass them on to bless others. This is how to keep the blessings flowing around. Hoarding breaks the circle. The more you pass them on, the more they flow back to you. That is living your destiny.

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