Some people are quick at seeing an opportunity in every misfortune. To such people, instead of a problem they see only the opportunity that comes along with their mishap. They know from their inner minds that inside their setback there are some elements of power to boost their morale. To such people, it does not matter which direction their life may be going at any point in time, they have the inner knowing and a strong belief that it would be all right in the end. They do not allow any small setbacks to derail their plan or dampen their enthusiasm to keep working toward achieving their set goals. They do not feel angry with themselves whenever things do not go in the way they had intended. They do not blame anybody, not even themselves. They simply learn some lessons and do it again or they move on to do something else.
Some people are able to recognise ever opportunity no matter what they use as disguise. When they want to develop a new relationship, they look far beyond the physical appearance. They look for the inner beauty that conceals the outer splendour. They look for the inner strength that overcomes the outer power. They look for the inner peace and tranquil that covers up the human turbulent being. They look for the inner happiness that hides inside the human physical appearance. They listen to the inner still voice, which is inaudible to human ear. They look for the inner being that makes the correct connection with the creative Source. None of these is visible with human eyes. They are intangible, inaudible and invisible. When they are searching for a new carrier or a job, they think far beyond just the monthly take home pay. They define their problems primarily in terms of what they need instead of what they want. They think in terms of how what they do could benefit other people.
They say opportunity is like a young beautiful woman who conceals her face by her hair and with wings on her feet. Asked why she covered her face with her hair, she said so that men may not notice her whenever she comes to them. Then what about the wings on her feet, she said so that once she flies away no man could overtake her. What does this metaphor tell you about your life and all the missed opportunities? Mr Fortune visits each one of us at least once in our lifetime. Opportunity has its own unique way of knocking on our doors. It comes in varying disguises so that only people with discerning minds could see it. Sometimes, it comes during our turbulent times. It comes at the most unexpected times. It comes when we least expected. It comes when we are most vulnerable. It comes at our weakest point in time. It will come to you at the time you most need it. The problem is whether you recognise when it does come.
Recognising opportunities when they come is about listening to your inner mind all the times. It is about your ability to keep an open mind and be perceptively receptive to all ideas. It does not matter how silly the idea may appear to be at first. It does not matter how trivial the idea may sound like initially. It does not matter how vague and inconsequential the idea may feel like when you first heard about. Even if it is coming from someone you do not like, do not dismiss it. That could be the disguise. Keep it somewhere safe, as you might need it later. Always be on the lookout for new opportunity. They say “Do not pass me by Oh, Lord”, is not a song we sing in bended knees. You have to stand up right and in full alert while singing it. Remember, beneath the Pandora Box, there is hope. It does not matter how many times you have started something and fail, the important thing is that you started something. The more things you start, the more you get closer to your success. Your opportunity will come from an unexpected source. The Law of Attraction will bring it to you at the right time. There is a Chinese saying I like so much. It goes something like this. “If you wish to start a business, start it from scratch and keep scratching it until you succeed”.
In order words, just keep doing what you know how to do. Listening to what other people are saying only derails you from your goal. No one can see what you see well than you. No one can hear what you hear well than you. No one feels what you feel well than you. It does not matter whether, in the short term, what you are doing is not taking you to the direction you had intended. As long as you keep yourself connected with your creative Source, in the end, everything will come out in your favour. I promise you.
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