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Friday, 31 December 2010

Making your soup tastier in December 2011

So, today is the last day of the year. The beginning of a year is like when we begin to make preparation for a pot of soup to entertain guests invited to mark the end of the year. Throughout the outgoing year, we have directed all our daily, weekly and monthly activities towards ensuring that we make a pot of soup that meets the expectations of all our guests.
The time has now come for your guests to taste your soup. It is the time to see what is in the pot. Has your soup met the expectation of your quests or not? Could you have made the soup differently? What else could you have done to make the soup tastier? What kept you cooking the soup throughout the year even when you experienced some setbacks? How much time did you spend thinking and considering the type of soup you wanted to make for your guests, what ingredients to include, how much you can afford to spend, who you might need to call upon for help and at what time during the making of the soup will you let them know that you will need their help, do you really think you have enough money to make the right soup, what cooking skills and experience do you have, etc, etc, etc.
Now think of the soup you intend to make in the next twelve months.  What will it be? What name you will you be calling it? What will give you the inspiration to make the type of soup that helps you make the right statement of who you are to your invited guests? What gives you the confidence that you can make this type of soup in the first instance? What is your expectation of how the soup should look and feel like at the end of the year? What would keep you working on the soup even at your most challenging moments when things do not seem to be going according to your plans? What will you do to make a different and tastier pot of soup this New Year? What lessons are you bringing from the previous soup to this year? When will you be taking the first action? What about the second and the third? When will you be doing what? What will be the milestone when you begin to know that you will accomplish your goal of entertaining your guests with a palatable pot of soup in December 2011? Have you over or under estimated your ability to make this type of soup?
It does not matter what your guests thought about the taste and quality of your soup in 2010, you can make a better and tastier soup in 2011 if you put your mind to it. There is always room for improvement. Just make it an intention to do make a better soup in 2011. Just start with knowing that you want to make the type of soup you have selected. Even if you still do not know the type of soup you want to make, just keep thinking about it. It is great if you already have an idea. It makes life much easier. But if you have no clue, do not be despair, you are like most others. I would suggest you think about different areas of your life that need more cooking starting from health. Think about your career, your relationship, your friends, your family, your work, your finance, etc. Think of one area that occupied your thoughts throughout most of 2010. This must be an area that you spent most of your time thinking about in 2010. It must be an area that gave you the greatest concern.
Focus on that area and think of at least one thing you can do now to make a small shift from your existing position. For example if it is finance, and perhaps you are in serious debts, consider what one thing you could do just as you read this article that could help you make a small physical and emotional shift in the way you have been thinking about this challenge. That small shift may not necessarily resolve your debt issues instantly, but you will begin to see your debt matters from a totally different angle. It will help you to get out of your comfort zone and into your reality zone. This zone is where you will be able to explore various options for dealing with your debt challenge. This zone is where you will be putting in place action steps that move you towards resolving your debt matter once and for all. This zone is where you will take the first, second, third and even final step towards putting your debt issues under control. Resolving your personal challenges by working within the ambience of your current reality zone takes you a step towards moving into your potential zone. This zone is where you really belong. This is the zone you must aspire to be in. Your debt could be an obstacle that prevents you from reaching your potential zone. It could be a barrier which can be removed by first working within the limits of your current reality. Once you step out of your comfort zone, you begin to match into your potential zone.
Everything you do in 2011 should move you a step out of your comfort zone and take you a step forward into your potential zone. They say Rome was not built in a day, but it started with just one stone. You can begin to build your own Rome from this moment by making the first brick. You however do not stop there. You go on to make your second, third, until you make your last brick. You do that by making at least one brick a day. That is your personal contribution towards your project. This demonstrates your commitment. Once you have concretised your desire to make the change, you must leave the rest to your divine source of creation. Let the creative creator do the rest for you. Allow the power that holds the universe together to make it happen for you. Say to yourself, “I work in partnership with the power that brings something out of nothing, I can achieve anything”. Make this your mantra for 2011.
Happy New Year.

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