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Thursday, 9 December 2010

Living in security even without money

What would make a person feel totally secure without money? In order words, is it possible for a human being to have total security without money? What can humankind do without money? Can you live without money? Your answers to these questions depend on your understanding of your core values and beliefs. It depends on your understanding of the role of money. Money, as they often say, is a means to an end. To this, I would add, money is one of several means to an end. It is like a road map.
A road map can take you to a destination, a territory. A road map is not the territory. A road map is useless unless it can take you to your destination. You can have a good, clear map that takes you to a wrong place. Money is good to enable you fulfil your destiny. However, you can still fulfil your destiny without it. This is fundamental to an understanding of the role of money in living a happy, purposeful and self-fulfilling life.
Means follows purpose. You cannot achieve a purpose without the means. The means can range from money, human to goodwill. Therefore, money is just one of many means to an end. The reality is that many people think money is the end in itself.  That is why they would do anything to have it. The more money they have, the more problems they invite into their lives. Such people may have the money but they have no purpose. To me, money without a purpose is like water flowing through a conduit pipe and draining into the gutter.
Money with a purpose is like sowing a seed. It is like sowing the biblical grain of mustard seed in a field. It starts with a very tiny seed. If well looked after, nurtured, well watered and fed with a variety of nutrients, it will grow to become big tree so that it becomes a resting place for all the birds.  Money plus a purpose is the secret of wealth creation.
Purpose determines the type and size of the means required to achieve it. The more you focus on money as the only means of achieving a purpose, the more you are likely to miss all the opportunities that come through other means. Conversely, the more you focus on purpose, the more you are likely to open up yourself to various other means of achieving it.
 Some people would say money is the root of all evils. I totally disagree with this old saying. Money is not the root of any evil. The root of all evils resides inside of each human being. There is neither good nor evil in money. There may be evil in the purpose for which you use money.  If you use money for an evil purpose, it does not make the money to be evil. It only makes you an evil person. If you use money for a good purpose, it does not make the money to be good. It only makes you a good person. Therefore, I do not belief for a moment that money is the root of any evil. To say that would mean that money controls you instead of the other way round.
Seeking purpose first instead of the means seems to be perfectly in alignment with the teaching of Jesus. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”. It is like laying a foundation of a house. You cannot put up the roof before the walls are in place. It is about doing the first things first. This is consistent with the order of creation. God started His creative work with an intention, a purpose. He knew what he wanted to do. He was clear about what He wanted to achieve. After that, He created the means of achieving His intention, His purpose. Some of the first means He created included heaven, earth, light, firmament, land, sea, plants, animals and finally humans. This makes sense to me. It is logical. Means follows purpose.
A purpose led life is living in the order of creation. It is living in fellowship with one another. It is living in love with one another. It is living in harmony with one another. It is living in kindness with one another. It is living in peace with oneself and with one another. It is living and sharing what you have with one another.
When you live a life of purpose, money no longer becomes your end but one of several means to an end. Money no longer becomes your master but your servant. Money no longer becomes your god but your means to achieve God’s purpose. When you live a purpose led life, your security no longer resides in money but under the shadow of the almighty. You will begin to know that your security and happiness no longer depend on what you have or what you do not have. When trouble comes, and you know that you are not alone, you will laugh in your heart and rejoice in the universal power.
Now, do you belief that it is possible to live a life without money and still feel totally secure?

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