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Monday, 27 December 2010

2011 Change Companion

In 2011, what would a personal analysis and performance improvement workbook, that lets you self-diagnose a problem, gives you action planning tools and help you make change happens, do in your life?
If you have:
·         made 2011 a year you intend to see a real change in any area of your life,
·         identified a need for life coaching to make the change happen but are very conscious of maintaining your personal space and privacy
Then, this worksheet is a must for you in 2011.
It helps you to identify an area of your life that you need to change, diagnose the nature and scope of the change require and put in place action steps that help you make the change happens.
The feedback we have received from our network show the degree of its simplicity and its impactfulness on users.
The first five people to register their interests in this unique DIY coaching technique will get a free complimentary copy each. This offer is available to UK residents only  
Send your enquiry to or on twitter at @mamcoaching.

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