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Monday, 4 October 2010

Travel Inward To Consult The Mind

Sometimes we think we know what we really want. We go about setting clear goals to achieve them. We put in place well thought through action plan we believe will let us take the first step.

However, in spite of all our effects, we failed to realise the stated goals. Frequent failures to achieve desired goals can be emotionally painful and frustrating. Series of failed attempts to achieve our goals can could lead to despair,  anger and disempowered. This could trigger the onset of depression and dis(eases). We begin to hop from one "I-can-help-you-fix-it" agent or another looking for quick solutions. We fall in the hands of unscrupulous people who are prepared to take advantage of our circumstance. They tell us things we want to hear. We do whatever they tell us to do without thinking. This is because we have surrendered our thinking to them. 

What could be responsible for this kind of situation? Is it a curse? Are we just being unlucky? Perhaps, it's not yet out time? Is as a result of bad planning? May be God is not answering our prayer? We may never know why. 

However, personal experience and empirical evidence have taught me that the difference between success and failure to do, have or be anything we want is ATTITUDE. Success, according to, is "the favourable determination of an attempt or endeavour; the accomplishment of a goal." Failure, on the other hand, means "unfavourable determination of an attempt or inability to accomplish a task."

The reality is that oftentimes, we want to achieve a goal that our current skills set, knowledge, level of experience, ability, emotional intelligence, do not stand us in good stead to achieve. This, I consider to be the first breach of the Natural Law that governs human desire to do, have or be anything in life. 

According to Ambrose Bierce (1842 -1914), "There is nothing like failure in life. It’s all learning by experience, a revelation in the light of which we renounce our errors of youth for those of age”.  

To do, have or be anything, you must first understand and become innately aware of the Natural Law that governs it. Everything happens according to law. Nothing in the universe happens by chance. It is caused by something. Every cause has its effect. Every effect has its cause. That is a universal law. According to study, people are more likely to be attracted to those who are similar to them. 
As Albert Einstein succinctly put, "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." 

Life and living are full of mysteries. The more we try to understand them, the more they elude us. The best way I have found to appreciate some of the mysteries is listening to the natural rhythm of my heartbeats in regular moments of silence. During those magical moments, I hear how my heart beats naturally, unaffected by what I may be thinking or doing at any point in time. It is a step towards deeper awareness and understanding of the rhythmic nature of the universe. This connects and aligns the nature of the universe with human nature. This is the ultimate act of surrendering to the awesome power of the most high God.

The goal of life, according to Joseph Campbell, "is to make our heartbeats match the beat of the universe."  Our aim is to keep matching our Nature with the Nature of the Creator of the universe on a daily basis. This lets us be at ONE with the Power that holds the Universe together. 

Human nature embodies happiness, joy, love and peace. Living your nature on a daily basis lets you be in constant harmony with your creative Source. 

When we disconnect our human nature from the Nature of God, we have two options. We can either accept responsibility for our action, seek to reconnect and move on with life. Or we can decide not to accept responsibility and start the blame game. Some people will blame their parents, wife, brothers, sisters, bosses, or just about anybody but themselves. Some will blame God for not hearing their prayer. Out of desperation to have what they want by any means, some would resort to carrying out certain activities that go totally against the natural laws that govern the nature of the thing they are striving to have. 

When we seek to have natural things by unnatural means, we find ourselves in conflict with nature. Nature has its own way of doing things. It is our duty as human beings to flow with nature. We should allow nature to take its course. This is not the same thing as being complacent. It is about inner awareness.  It is about communicating with your inner self. It is about knowing who you are. It is about your creative awareness of the nature of your being. 

There may be a message for many of us as we continuously strive to achieve a goal. Our continuous striving may be a message telling us  that we do not really need that which we are striving to have. It may be a coded message telling us that we need to wait for the right time. It may also be a sign telling us that we need to develop some personal skills, which we will need to sustain life after we have achieved the goal. 

We have inner minds that tell us what to do.  But most of us hardly travel inward to consult the mind. We need to find more time to consult it from time to time. Your spiritual being should be guiding you to make the right choices. Find time to pray or meditate. It cannot fail you.

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