How often do you take the time to listen to yourself? When do you need to listen to yourself? Why do you think you need to listen to yourself? In fact, what does listening to oneself mean?
Self-listening is about noticing what is happening in every area of your humanity. It is about listening to your body and noticing any change in your well-being. It is about listening to your mind and noticing what is going on. It is about listening to your dreams and noticing what they mean in your life. It is about listening to your heartbeat and noticing the pattern of the rhythm.
Self-listening is a way of communicating with yourself. Some people call it self-talk, or your inner voice. They come from your thoughts. Psychologists have suggested that we have over 50,000 thoughts a day. These thoughts may be either positive or negative. Each thought is an opportunity to listen to your inner voice. Each provides an opportunity to listen to what your mind is saying to you. Your mind should not deceive you, because it is your mind. Your voice should lie to you, because it is your mind. The more thoughts you have on a particular subject matter, the more important the matter probably is to you, the more difficult it becomes for you to make a decision on it.
Some people act on the first thing their inner voice tells them to do either positive or negative. Such people do not wait for a second thought. They act on their instinct. They are quick to act on the first thing their mind tells them to do. They say such people are quick thinkers and quick decision makers
Some people wait for a second thought. Others wait to have several thoughts before they take any action. Such people do not just act on the first thing their inner voice tells them to do. They call such people deep thinkers. Some people call them reflective thinkers. They are slow thinkers and slow in making decisions. Part of their thinking and decision-making process is that they take their time to notice the empty spaces that lie in-between their thoughts. They perceive each thought as a module. Between each module is an empty space. The space holds the secret key that helps them unlock the true meaning of the message coming from each thought. To such people, they can perceive what their inner voice is telling them by accessing that empty space between their thoughts.
People who have a discerning mind have an advanced ability to access that empty space. Whilst some people can access that empty space between their first and second thought, others might need several thoughts. They access each empty space between their thoughts before they make their final decision. That is why some people seem to be quicker in making decisions than others. It does not mean one is better than the other.
Let me give you an illustration to explain the importance of that empty space that lies between your thoughts.
Take a closer look at the last sentence above.
Now look at the following sentence.
Do you notice the difference between the two sentences?
What makes it easier for you to read and understand the first sentence than the second?
It is the power of the empty space that lies in-between each word. Without each of the empty spaces, the whole writing becomes hard for you to read except you are a code breaker.
What I am saying here is that as matters of habit you should always give space to your thoughts. Spacing your thoughts gives clarity to your intention. There is a secret in each empty space between your thoughts. It holds the solution to your problem. It points you to the right person you need to meet for the help you urgently require. It directs you to the right place and the right person to find the answer to the problem that may have been nagging you for weeks. It offers you the clue to what you need to know, learn or understand in order to make the next move. It opens your eyes to see what you need to see in order to build a clearer picture of the future you desire for yourself. It opens your ears to hear what you need to hear in order to become more aware of your inner strengths.
Never allow one thought to pass you by without noticing the space before the next. Make it your habit to listen and understand what is in those empty spaces. The moment you start noticing the contents of the empty space between your thoughts and acting on what you hear, you will begin to take actions that are in alignment with your Creative Source. You will begin to feel less need for outer help for your inner problems. I promise you.