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Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Yes! God Exists.

An atheist was once offered a chance to give a presentation before a large audience to prove that God does not exist.

The stage was set. The speaker was ready. The audience, made up of people from all walks of life, waited anxiously to hear what the world acclaimed atheist had to say. Many had come with open minds to learn something new about the origin of the universe.

The atheist had come to the large conference hall fully prepared with many years of extensive research materials on the doctrine or belief that there is no God.

As he opened his mouth and before he could even complete his first sentence, there was a large explosion outside the hall. It shook the entire building. Then everything went momentarily quiet.  People started to panic. Instinctively, the speaker cried, "Oh God!" He uttered the two-letter phrase in a humbling manner. Everyone in the hall could hear him loud and clear.  

The ensuing confusion brought the presentation to an end. For most people, it was the shortest but most life-changing presentation. Even the atheist himself could not resist but accepted that, "God exists."

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