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Tuesday 1 January 2013

Train journey times in different parts of the world

Following a recent news report that a train journey from Zaria to Lagos in Nigeria now takes approximately 26 hours, I decided to carry out a quick review of train journey times in different parts of the world using information available online for the selected sample countries. The idea was to establish any developmental disparities in train journey times across the countries. The following is my finding:

From Glasgow to London - 1043 km takes approximately 5 hours 57 mins travelling at a speed of about 175 km per hour.

From Amsterdam to Rotterdam - 79.7 km takes approximately 39 mins
travelling at a speed of roughly 122.6 km per hour.

Mumbai to Delhi - 1384 km takes approximately 22 hours
travelling at a speed of approximately 63 km per hour.

Tokyo to Kobe - 524.3 km takes approximately 10 hours
travelling at a speed of about 52.4 km per hour.

From Zaria to Lagos - 848 km takes approximately 26 hours
travelling at a speed of around 32.6 km per hour.

From Beijing to Shanghai - 1318 km takes approximately 5 hours
travelling at a speed of approximately 263.6 km per hour.

The Eurostar International Passenger train service between London, Paris and Brussels runs at a speed of up to 300 km per hour

In China, the fastest running train can reach a top speed of 350 km per hour.

The world speed record for conventional high-speed rail built in France clocked 574.8 km per hour.

The normal running speed in 1869 for a train on the transcontinental railroad was about 48 km per hour.

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