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Thursday 11 October 2012

We Are The Choices We Make

They say, “Power corrupts, but lack of it corrupts absolutely.” I see nothing wrong in power. It is good for maintaining law and order for the good of the many not the few. The challenge for mankind is in the misuse of power.

Let’s take the enormous health benefits doctors say we get from eating “an apple a day” as an example. According to health experts, eating too much apple can lead to weight gain or a rise in blood sugar. When we eat too much apple simply because we love the taste, we could be inviting dis-ease into own bodies.

In my opinion, corruption, manifesting through bad behaviours or bad practices, comes not from apple or from power, but from within each person. It comes from the choices we make. Therefore, power or lack of it, does not corrupt anyone. What leads to corruption, in my view, is the human potential to misuse power or anything we have, to achieve selfish goals.

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