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Tuesday 16 October 2012

Forgiveness can break cycle of revenge attacks

Every cause has an effect. In Buddhism, they call it the law of Karma. Other cultures call it the law of retribution. Some people would describe this principle in form of, “what goes around comes around.” This principle was recognised in Isaac Newton’s third law of physics. It states that, “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.”

When we are provoked by others and we choose to take direct action, it is like we are taking the law into our own hands. The provocation was the cause. Taking the law into our hands becomes the effect. This effect can become another cause. And this cause becomes another effect. The whole thing becomes an endless cycle of bad causes and evil effects. No one can predict the end.

The human lesson from all of this, in my opinion, is simple: We must learn to think twice before we act. In reality, I do not pretend that this is easy, but I believe it is doable. WE only need to become more aware of the potentially fatal consequences of some acts of revenge and instead opt for the noble path of forgiveness.

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