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Monday 8 October 2012

Present Moment Thinking

What is it that makes us keep thinking in the past knowing how much this habit can potentially hold us back and perpetually keep us in the past? The answer I keep getting is, 'fear.' Fear that the past will repeat itself.

The irony is this, as long as we keep fearing that the past will repeat itself, we will continue to be afraid of moving in
to our future. The mystery of it all is, no amount of fear can take us back to our past and no amount of fear can stop us from moving into our future. The future will come, whether we like it or not.

The sage encourages us to stop thinking in the past and become present moment thinkers. They say, this is the only way we can notice what is happening in the here and now. Only present moment thinking lets us step into our inevitable future, with hope and optimism.

According to the sage, the first step to stop the habit of thinking in the past is to become increasingly aware of the stagnation it brings into our lives.

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