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Thursday, 31 January 2013

Keep enjoying the mystery moment by moment,

"The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Toa. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The Toa is both named and nameless. As nameless, it is the origin of all things; as named it is the Mother of 10,000 things. Ever desireless, one can see the mystery; ever desiring, one can see the manifestation. The mystery itself is the doorway to all understanding."

From the 1st verse of the Toa Te Ching by Lao-tzu

To keep enjoying the mystery moment by moment, practice letting go of always naming and labeling things.

Becoming aware of the forces that control each aspect of your life

Today, I want you to find a few moments and a quiet space where you can become still and find some silence. I want you to become aware of the force that controls your ability to move every part of your body: your arm, your finger, your legs, your toes, etc. I want you to imagine the energy that allows the movement of each of these parts of your body. I want you to go into meditation for just a few minutes or so. I want you to reflect on the mystery behind your ability to hear with your ears, see with your eyes, smell with your nose and feel something by simply touching it. I want you to go inside of you and create a space between each thought you have about the mystery of your being.

What makes you see?
What makes you hear?
What makes you speak?
What makes you feel?

What is the mystery behind all of this?

Appreciating the mystery of life and living

Today, I want you to find a few moments and a quiet space where you can become still and find some silence. I want you to become aware of the force that controls your ability to move every part of your body: your arm, your finger, your legs, your toes, etc. I want you to imagine the energy that allows the movement of each of these parts of your body. I want you to go into meditation for just a few minutes or so. I want you to reflect on the mystery behind your ability to hear with your ears, see with your eyes, smell with your nose and feel something by simply touching it. I want you to go inside of you and create a space between each thought you have about the mystery of your being.

What makes you see?
What makes you hear?
What makes you speak?
What makes you feel?

What is the mystery behind all of this?

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Three core virtues to have: Simplicity, patience, compassion

“Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world.”. ― Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

How emotionally intelligent are you?

Social science researchers have found, in recent studies, that even more than your IQ, your emotional intelligence (EI), defined as your awareness and your ability to handle feelings, can determine your success and personal happiness in all walks of life, including parenting, social, work and family relationships.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013


WILLPOWER is the strength of your character in action. It gives you the spiritual capacity to keep resisting short-term temptations in order to meet long-term goals.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Are we heading towards a new evolutionary journey?

Scientists are now claiming that by 2030 there will be an artificially intelligent machine that will be indistinguishable from a human being. This will include the capacity for self-reproduction. I belief God did not set any limit on human intelligence. He needs more human brains to reduce human sufferings, increase personal and societal happiness, create and build a better world where all His people can live in harmony with one another in good health. To embark on creating a human machine that is capable of self-reproduction is perhaps not a wise way to use human intelligence. Is this the start of a new evolutionary journey? What do you think?

Living with gratitude for every functioning part of our bodies

Come to think of it, are we not all miracles? Just imagine how you breathe in and breathe out ceaselessly 24/7 without effort. Think of how one part of your body responds to the needs of the other with little or no thought. Consider how every part of the same body connects seamlessly with one another and the work of the whole body gets done. If you think these are no miracles, take a visit to the nearest hospital. I belief we are all miracles unfolding every moment of our lives. Is this not enough justification to express gratitude to your Source on a daily basis?

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

You can create your own Garden of Eden

Everyone can create their own Garden of Eden. It starts by sowing just a seed of love in the rich soil of your heart and nourish it with a daily act of good deed to yourself and others.

Unlearning is the heart of change.

Beware what you teach your children. Remember, it is easier to learn something than to unlearn it. That is why they say unlearning is the heart of all changes.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Time is an equal opportunity employer.

“Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow.”  - Denis Waitley

Monday, 21 January 2013

Making Every Day Count in the journey of life

What we are today is a function of the choices and sacrifices we made in the past. What we will become in the future is a function of the choices and sacrifices we are are making today.

Seven Deadly Sins:

1. Wealth without work
2. Pleasure without conscience
3. Science without humanity
4. Knowledge without character
5. Politics without principle
6. Commerce without morality
7. Worship without sacrifice

- by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Saturday, 19 January 2013


A weary mother returned from the store.
Lugging groceries through the kitchen door.
Awaiting her arrival was her 8 year old son,
Anxious to relate what his younger brother had done.
"While I was out playing and Dad was on a call,
T.J. took his crayons and wrote on the wall!
It's on the new paper you just hung in the den.
I told him you'd be mad at having to do it again."
She let out a moan and furrowed her brow,
"Where is your little brother right now?"
She emptied her arms and with a purposeful stride,
She marched to his closet where he had gone to hide.
She called his full name as she entered his room.
He trembled with fear--he knew that meant doom!
For the next ten minutes, she ranted and raved
About the expensive wallpaper and how she had saved.
Lamenting all the work it would take to repair,
She condemned his actions and total lack of care.
The more she scolded, the madder she got,
Then stomped from his room, totally distraught!
She headed for the den to confirm her fears.
When she saw the wall, her eyes flooded with tears.
The message she read pierced her soul with a dart.
It said, "I love Mommy," surrounded by a heart.
Well, the wallpaper remained, just as she found it,
With an empty picture frame hung to surround it.
A reminder to her, and indeed to all,
Take time to read the handwriting on the wall

Author Unknown

Change is constant

"Nothing is permanent; life is a flux. Heraclitus has said that you cannot step twice in the same river. It is impossible to step twice in the same river because the river has flowed on; everything has changed. And not only has the river flowed on, you have also flowed on.

You are also different; you are also a river flowing. Like River you also have quite a lot of things moving in your life, Happiness , Depression, Joy and Sorrow all are moving at the top of your life. But something inside you is never changing and omnipresent. The moment you can find that centre which never changes, then everything about your life also changes.

If any of you have ever dived into sea( scuba-dive) and explored underneath then there is one thing which becomes very clear underneath the roaring sea-top ; there is utter calmness under the sea. The deeper inside you go under the sea , you will find more stillness.

That’s why Scuba diving is such a meditative experience. Meditation is nothing but finding centre inside you which is never changing. Meditation is art of staying calm at sea top. Once you realize your centre, then you are just an actor at top. You will know everything you know and feel now also will pass.

The moment you find centre you will also find Love! Love radiating from you and it is never changing! Meditation is way to find that never changing Love."

Unknown Author

Living excuse-free lifestyle:

7 Principles for living excuse-free lifestyle:

1. Become aware of your potential for greatness, understand the power of your mind and use it to develop your spirituality;

2. Align yourself with the universe by thinking like God thinks and keep returning to your Source;

3. Live here and now in your mind as well as in your body by being in the Present;

4. Contemplate what you are, rather than what you want to become, meditate on what already is and keep thinking in the present not in the past or in the future;

5. Be willing to allow health, happiness, and success to flow into your life, taking personal responsibility for your actions and be willing to surrender instead of resisting, committed instead of excuses, change instead of stagnation;

6. Be passionate about everyone and everything that enters your life, showing enthusiasm;

7. Show compassion by wanting more for others than you do for yourself.

Extracted from the book, Excuses Begone! By Dr Wayne Dyer.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Who says happiness is not contagious?

A study of Personal Happiness published in the British Medical Journal in January 2009 found that:

(1) Having happy people in a person's social network can dramatically increase that person's chance of being happy.

(2) If you become happy, you increase your next-door neighbour's odds of being happy by 34%, and increase your friend's odd of being happy by 25% if that friend lives withing a mile of you.

(3) On average, every happy person in your social network increases your own chance of being happy by 9%.

(4) Having happy family or friends in your social network increases your odds of being happy too.

(5) Happiness spreads in a person's social network up to "three degrees of separation."

(6) Your happiness can affect not only your friend, but also a friends of your friend and even a friend of a friend of your friend- someone you may never even meet or hear of.

(7) The effect of catching happiness from someone else can last up to one year

(8) As the happiness and positive emotions spread throughout social networks, communities and societies, the social benefits will spread and take root in a society right along with the personal benefits.

Source: The Art of Happiness in A Troubled World by HH the Dalai Lama and Dr Howard Cutler

Thursday, 10 January 2013

7 Questions and possible answers to help you make Excuses Paradigm shift:

1. Is it true? Most probably not
2. Where is it from? I allowed them
3. What's the payoff? I get to avoid risks and stay the same - get stuck
4. What would my life look like if I couldn't use the excuses? I'd be free to be myself
5. Can I create a rational reason to change? - Easily
6. Can I access universal cooperation in shedding old habits? - Yes, by simply aligning with my Source of being
7. How can I continuously reinforce this new way of being? - By being vigilant

Source: Excuses Begone! by Dr Wayne Dyer

It takes a series of small goals to produce a big Goal

We all have the capacity to achieve BIG GOALS. BUT, we must first develop our competencies for achieving SMALL ONES. Instead of focusing on a big victory, focus on small victories. Small goals are your agencies or your road maps for achieving your big goals. As the saying goes, “It takes a series of small steps to produce a big step.

Friday, 4 January 2013

There is time for everything under the sun

When something does not work out according to your plan, it does not necessarily mean your intention was wrong. It does not necessarily mean your plan was wrong, It does not necessarily mean you did anything wrong. It simply means it was not the time for the thing to happen at that critical point in your life. Remember the old saying goes, “There is time for everything under the sun.”

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Train journey times in different parts of the world

Following a recent news report that a train journey from Zaria to Lagos in Nigeria now takes approximately 26 hours, I decided to carry out a quick review of train journey times in different parts of the world using information available online for the selected sample countries. The idea was to establish any developmental disparities in train journey times across the countries. The following is my finding:

From Glasgow to London - 1043 km takes approximately 5 hours 57 mins travelling at a speed of about 175 km per hour.

From Amsterdam to Rotterdam - 79.7 km takes approximately 39 mins
travelling at a speed of roughly 122.6 km per hour.

Mumbai to Delhi - 1384 km takes approximately 22 hours
travelling at a speed of approximately 63 km per hour.

Tokyo to Kobe - 524.3 km takes approximately 10 hours
travelling at a speed of about 52.4 km per hour.

From Zaria to Lagos - 848 km takes approximately 26 hours
travelling at a speed of around 32.6 km per hour.

From Beijing to Shanghai - 1318 km takes approximately 5 hours
travelling at a speed of approximately 263.6 km per hour.

The Eurostar International Passenger train service between London, Paris and Brussels runs at a speed of up to 300 km per hour

In China, the fastest running train can reach a top speed of 350 km per hour.

The world speed record for conventional high-speed rail built in France clocked 574.8 km per hour.

The normal running speed in 1869 for a train on the transcontinental railroad was about 48 km per hour.

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