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Thursday, 31 March 2011

Do not let your beliefs limit your potential

You are a product of unlimited possibilities. No one in the entire universe has the ability to put a ceiling on what you can do, be or have unless you give him or her permission. You are responsible for giving permission to let other people into your life. You are also responsible for establishing the boundary of what they can do or not do once you let them in. It is like when you give the key of your house to someone.

I bet you do not just give it anyone. You only give it to someone you trust very well. Even when you let the person into your house, you would not give him or her permission to wander around your house.

I only let people I trust into my house. For example, whenever I hear my doorbell rings, I always make sure I have identified the caller before I open my door.

It is the same with beliefs. Your beliefs are the things you have accepted as fact without any proof. They can come inform of self-talks, or autosuggestions such as saying to yourself, “I am too old to be employed”, “I am too young to be rich”, “I am not beautiful enough”, “I am too scared to speak in public”, etc. It could also come in form of opinions such as saying, “no girls should be trusted”, “money is the root of all evils”, etc.

 Your beliefs have the ability to limit your potential in life if not properly challenged.
 What beliefs are you permitting into your life? What are they doing in your life? Are they working for or against your ability to become the person you have been destined to be? Think!

Thursday, 10 March 2011

To be enlightened

To be enlightened is to know when to say ‘I’m sorry’ even though you know that you are right.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Work-Life Balance or Value Life Balance?

Without life, there is no work. Without work, there is no life. Work is just one of several key elements of life. Therefore, life is not all about work. It is all about knowing how to balance. It is all about knowing how to set the boundaries. It has upper and lower limits. These too are not static. They are subject to changes in time and space as we make our journey on earth. 
For me, I find it crucial to know the impact my work is having on other major aspects of my life such as family, money, health, friends, education, spiritual, etc, on a daily basis.  What is life balance for one may be imbalance for another. That is why I encourage people to start learning how to make self-knowledge, self-understanding and self-awareness their new way of life, a new habit. This is a personal journey in self-enlightenment and is a lifelong journey. This is what I think the ideal of work-life balance seeks to promote and which I have chosen to call Value Life Balance.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Be the change you want to see in the world

Value Life Balance is a spiritual message that transcends any particular religious belief. It is a way of life.  It is a message of spiritual enlightenment.  It is a message of awareness of our beingness. It is a message of the oneness of all God’s creation. It is a message of love, of peace, and of living in harmonywith one another and in the exact nature that God intended.

If you share the value inherent in this message with us, then join Value Life Balance and be part of the vision to make the world a peaceful and happier place to inhibit by all God’s creation. What can you do? Very simple. Through this medium, you can share your thoughts, ideas and vision about the nature of the world you want for yourself, your children, your grand children and your great grand children. You can help spread the message and let other people hear what you and others think about life and living. Every little helps.

As you contemplate whether you wish to be involved in the change as envisioned by Value Life Balance, we ask you to join us in saying the following prayer:

“Lord, let me be the change I want to see. To do with strength and wisdom all that needs to be done and become the hope that I can be. Set me free from my fears and hesitations, grant me courage and humility. Fill me with the spirit to face the challenge and start the change I want to see. Today, I start the change I want to be even if I am not the light; I can be the spark in faith, service and communion. Let us start the change we want to see, the change that begins in me”.
This prayer was written by the De La Salle Brothers, Phllippine District

Finally, let us remind ourselves of the import of this message with a quote by Mahatma Gandhi:
“Be the change you want to see in the world”
