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Friday 1 June 2018

Who is God?

Who is God?

"Have you ever wondered who God is? Where He stays? What He does? Do you ever pray to God and thank Him for all that there is?

The following are a few interesting, and very cute, ideas about God from young children belonging to different religions. Some will make you smile and others will make you re-think your own definition of God!

Who is God?

“God is a man sitting in the sky. He watches us through a telescope. When the sun sets, he brings the stars and moon so that he can keep seeing us.” Lavanya, 7 years.

“I feel God is in all of us. When we are good, God smiles. When we are bad, God cries. Better to be good at all times. And yes, don’t waste food.”
Ali, 5 years.

“God is an ice-cream. You have to give him all your time and attention. You have to want him all the time. And when you have him, you have to continue to want more of him.” Aloysius, 10 years.

By Positive life Foundation.

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