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Friday 1 February 2013

The Story Teller -The price of disobedience

This story is about disobedient tortoise, and his wife. They lived together for many years without a child. Their situation was becoming unbearable. They both desperately wanted a child of their own. His wife started to give him a lot of pressure. One day tortoise decided to visit the village priest for help.

The village priest was famous for his ability to help women get pregnant. After the initial greetings, tortoise explained his mission. The priest then asked tortoise to come back the next day.

The following day, tortoise was back to the village priest very early in the morning as agreed. The priest went into his inner room and came back with a pot of soup which he had specially prepared for tortoise’s wife. The priest told tortoise that his wife should drink the soup. Tortoise was very pleased with the priest and thanked him for the help. He was assured that his wife would be pregnant after drinking the soup. Before tortoise left, the priest warned him that under no circumstance must he drink the soup himself. Tortoise assured the priest that he would not drink the soup.

However, on his way home, the aroma of the soup made his mouth water so much that he decided to stop and had a small taste of the soup. One tasty sip led to another as he made his way home. Before he arrived home the pot was empty. Suddenly, he noticed that his stomach had protruded forward like a pregnant woman. He didn’t know what to do. He went into his house but could not tell his wife what had happen. His wife was confused. They both panicked. She advised tortoise to return to the village priest.

They returned to the priest for help. As they entered the priest’s compound, the tortoise started to sing distressfully saying that the priest had warned him not to drink the soup. He said as he was walking home with the pot of soup in his hand, he suddenly slipped and fell over. As he tried to save the pot, his finger touched the soup. He then touched his lip with his finger by accident. He then looked towards the ground and noticed his big tummy. He cried and cried and cried begging the priest to save his life.

The priest told them emphatically that the medicine had no remedy. The soup that was meant to boost his wife’s pregnancy was not now boosting tortoise’s glands. The priest was enraged and kept saying, “Is obedience not better than sacrifice? Did I not warn you?”

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