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Saturday 18 August 2012

Rights must go with responsibility

As the title of this article suggests, rights must go with responsibility. Individual must be ready to take direct responsibility for his or her actions.

This leads me to the recent Ecuador's decision to grant Julian Assange an asylum to stop him from being extradited to Sweden where he is wanted for an alleged rape.

I sincerely do not think any country has the moral right to prevent an individual from accepting their responsibility.

I believe Julian Assange has two chances to proof his moral integrity and ethical credentials within the international publishing community. First, as the founder and publisher of Wiki leaks and second, for the said rape allegation.

I believe Sweden has one of the best human right records in the world. Assange therefore has nothing to fear if he truly beliefs he is innocent of the alleged rape crime.

More importantly, I belief that if his reason for putting sensitive information about other countries in the public domain, is driven by his high personal moral and ethical standards, and not for his personal ego, he will be vindicated in any trial.

I am a great supporter of freedom of information. I therefore support the fundamental rights of any publishing outfit to publish any information at their disposal which they consider to be of public interest. However, every publisher must match such rights with the same level of personal responsibility.

Ecuador should give Julian Assange the opportunity to clear his name.

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