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Friday, 27 December 2013

2014 New Year Resolution

If  your 2014  New Year resolution is to change your way of thinking about life and
Iiving, the remaining five days of 2013 could be just about what you need to start rehearsing it.

Wednesday, 25 December 2013


The most powerful weapon for controlling human behaviours is Fear. The rich uses the fear of poverty and suffering to control the behaviours of the poor. The poor uses the fear of insecurity of life and property to control the behaviours of the rich. Fears can put both the rich and the poor in bondage. To be truly free, both must overcome their fears. As clearly put by Aristotle; "He who has overcome his fears will truly be free." And the only way to overcome fears is for the rich and the poor to develop genuine love, compassion, trust and respect for each other. As the bible teaches us in the book of 1 John 4:48, "There is no fear in love."

Christmas Day Affirmation

"I love myself"
"I love my family"
"I love my neighbours"
"I am a peacemaker"
"I am happy"
"I am a champion"
"I am blessed"
"And I thank the Lord.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Present Moment Ministry

Present Moment Ministry

"The Kingdom of God is available to you in the here and the now. But the question is whether you are available to the Kingdom. Our practice is to make ourselves ready for the Kingdom so that it can manifest in the here and the now. You don't need to die in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. In fact, you have to be truly alive in order to do so." Thich Nhat Hanh

Every act of love, every gesture of goodwill, every smile, every expression of gratitude, every happy feeling you share with others, every kind word spoken, every little help rendered, every act of care and compassion, every time you make peace with others, everything and anything you do that brings peace, happiness, joy, comfort, relief and succour to another person, counts toward living the kingdom of God in the here and the now. It is called the Present Moment Ministry. That is what Christmas is all about.

Merry Christmas!

The Storms Of Life

The storm in the lives of some of us can sometimes be more turbulent than the one that raged across Britain last night. Another way to cope with such stormy weather is to stay calm knowing that God is in the centre and becoming aware that it too will soon pass away, just as the storm of last night has. That is what makes Him our Shepherd in the time of storm.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

The best victory

The best and sweetest victory in life is the one achieved when people are already thinking and acting as if it is all over.

Monday, 16 December 2013


The most powerful action you can take against those who hurt you is...........non-action.

Be patient but observant

Let your patience exceed that of the farmer who, as the bible tells us, "Waits patiently for the precious fruit of the ground until it has had the autumn rains and the spring rains." Everything you need will eventually come to you in the right moment. So, be patient but observant.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Changing life from inside out

You can move away from anything, anyone  or any place you don't like. However, the thing that lets you dislike them resides inside you.  It will move with you anywhere you go. To change your outside, you must first change your inside.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Making all fingers equal

All fingers may not be equal, but when trying to reach out to one another, each makes itself to be equal to the others.

Friday, 6 December 2013

The true meaning of life

The true meaning of life is service to one another. In your service to others, how people label you, either a Saint or a Sinner, does not really matter. In any case, we will probably never know until we all get to heaven or hell. What is important is to keep serving one another in whatever area of life that aligns with the calling of your soul.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Blessing others attracts your own blessing

People will be missing out of so many other ways we can use our God's given talents to bless others if we keep thinking and acting as if money is the only means of solving all human problems. When you start to think of the different ways you can be of blessing to another person and act on them unconditionally, you will begin to attract your own blessings.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

You Are The Light of the World

"You are the light of the world," so says the Bible. Each new birth is a light coming into the world. Each death is a light going out of the world. Light is life. It is the energy for living. You are meant to be the light that shines in the lives of others, to help keep their flames burning. When the light of one person goes out, it is rekindled by a spark of light from another.  There are two ways this happens: (a) to be the candle that bears the light or (b) the mirror that reflects it.


"In our country, we speak of something called 'UBUNTU.' When I want to praise you, the highest praise I can give you is to say, you have 'ubuntu,' this person has what it takes to be a human being. This is a person who recognises that he exists only because others exist; a person is a person through other persons. When we say you have 'ubuntu', we mean you are gentle, you are hospitable, you want to share, and you care about the welfare of others. This is because my humanity is caught up in your humanity. So when I dehumanise others, whether I like it or not, inexorably, I dehumanise myself. For we can only be human, we can only be free, together. To forgive is actually the best form of self-interest.".

Archbishop Desmond Tutu in "The Power of Forgiveness by HH Dalai Lama

Monday, 2 December 2013

The spirit of abundance

Each time you celebrate the success of others, you are laying the foundation for the celebration of your own imminent success. They call it the spirit of abundance. This is knowing that the universe has abundant and inexhaustible supply of everything out there for everybody.

Is the level of IQ the criteria for happiness

Boris Johnson's suggestion that some people cannot do well in life because of their low IQ may be right to some extent if "doing well" is measured only by material possession. Doing well can also be measured by how we make others feel with our possessions.

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