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Saturday, 30 November 2013

How to avoid criticism

There are three ways you can avoid criticism: (1) Saying nothing, (2) Doing nothing and (3) Being nothing.

"Compassion In Action" Dr. Wyane Dyer

HOW MAY I SERVE? Asking this question can turn your life around. Thinking of others first—reaching out to them despite how it might inconvenience you—causes you to feel joy. This gift of feeling good (or feeling God) within comes from serving and surrendering rather than asking and demanding.

There’s no room for blame in your life as long as you live with kindness. Blaming your past. Blaming the economy. Blaming your perceived personal flaws. Blaming God. Blaming your parents. Blaming your children or your spouse. Blaming your DNA. There’s no shortage of circumstances, people, and events to blame—and there’s no shortage of blame itself.

When you shift to compassion, all blame disappears. So no matter what you may want for yourself, discover how you can want it more for someone else, and then make that shift. In that contemplative moment, compassion will eradicate finger-pointing. And you’ll begin to think like God thinks: serving, offering, giving, and loving freely.

I’ve certainly found that when I remember to nurture kindness and courtesy, everything in my life seems to move toward more harmony and peace, to say nothing of how much better I feel when I’m giving rather than wanting.

I heard the Dalai Lama speak on compassion some years back, and the essence of his message contained these two points:

1. Compassion is the single most important quality that humanity needs to learn. This is the way to find happiness and health and to feel successful.

2. War and violence would become extinct in one generation if, beginning at the age of five, children were taught to meditate on compassion for an hour a week for the rest of their lives. Such is the power of a compassionate approach to life, which is truly thinking of others and living by the ancient Golden Rule.

The very second you feel yourself retreating to blaming and making excuses, repeat the mantra How may I serve? Then act upon the answers you receive. You’ll become aligned with the universal mind, which is always giving, and the bonus is that you’ll notice the universe asking you back, “How may I serve you?” As your compassion for others flows back to you, remember the truth I’ve written about many times: You do not attract what you want; you attract what you are. So make compassion be what you are.

Suggestions for Living from Compassion

Upon awakening, let the words Thank you flow from your lips, for this will remind you to begin your day with gratitude and compassion. Make it a practice to begin each day by thinking first of someone else and then making a decision to actively do something, anything, that will bring a smile to his or her face. When you become conscious of wanting to do something kind for another human being, you move into a higher way of being. It takes your thoughts off yourself and What’s in it for me? and puts them on How may I serve? which is precisely how the universal mind we call the Tao or God is always operating. When you’re aligned with a compassionate outlook, your entire day will reflect this kind of awareness.

If you believe as Martin Luther King, Jr. did that our culture needs restructuring and that compassion is the way, I urge you to work toward electing people to public office—at all levels—who relate sensitivity and kindness in their messages to the public. Look for the compassionate heart, rather than the one that excludes, punishes, seeks revenge, or manipulates with government power. The more our institutions reflect this humane attitude, the fewer collective excuses we will call upon to explain why we haven’t been able to create the heaven on earth that is our true calling.

As I’ve frequently stated, the active repetition of an inner mantra reinforces and creates exactly what you’re saying to yourself. Therefore, repeat the following to yourself for at least five minutes: I am a being of compassion. I extend love outward everywhere because this is my nature. Affirm this to yourself continually, and post it in a prominent place in your home, your office, or even your car.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives us the ultimate words of compassion. If our world today would put them into practice, we’d all be living in peace. But even if the rest of the world hasn’t yet caught on, you can. I urge you to put these words to work in your life today; if you do, all excuses will most certainly vanish:

Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. (Matthew 5:43-44)

This is compassion in action!

Friday, 29 November 2013

Happiness is contageous

A study of Personal Happiness published in the British Medical Journal in January 2009 found that:

(1)  Having  happy people in a person's social network can dramatically increase that  person's chance of being happy.

(2) If you become happy, you increase your next-door neighbour's odds of being happy by 34%, and increase your friend's odd of being happy by 25% if that friend lives withing a mile of you.

(3) On average, every happy person in your social network increases your own chance of being happy by 9%.

(4) Having happy family or friends in your social network increases your odds of being happy too.

(5) Happiness spreads in a person's social network up to "three degrees of separation."

(6) Your happiness can affect not only your friend, but also a friends of your friend and even a friend of a friend of your friend- someone you may never even meet or hear of.

(7) The effect of catching happiness from someone else can last up to one year

(8) As the happiness and positive emotions spread throughout social networks, communities and societies, the social benefits will spread and take root in a society right along with the personal benefits.

Source: The Art of Happiness in A Troubled World by HH the Dalai Lama and Dr Howard Cutler

Don't let anyone or anything take your happiness from you without your permission.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Tip toe if you must, but take the step

In your journey to success, there's no right step or wrong step. Every step you take counts towards your success. The right step takes you to the next level. The wrong step lets you step aside to learn more yourself. The only step that does not count is the one not taken. The smallest step in the right direction often ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must. But you must take the step. As Lao Tzu would say, "Great acts are made up of small deeds." A million mile journey starts with a step.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

The Kingdom of God

The kingdom of God is in your heart. It just needs that you keep reminding yourself at all times of its awesome presence in you.

Once you have become more actively aware of its presence, you can start to imagine the type of future you want the kingdom to feel and look like. This lets you think and act in ways that keep the Kingdom of God in you alive and well on a daily basis.

Every act of love, every gesture of goodwill, every expression of gratitude, every kind word spoken, every little help rendered, every act of care and compassion, everything and anything you do that brings comfort, relief and succour to another person, counts toward keeping the kingdom of God in your life alive and flourishing.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Buddha Quote

There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it. ~Buddha

Lao Tzu

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. ~Lao Tzu

The Power of Your Spirituality

"The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security, does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved."  Confucius

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Thought of the day

To keep thinking that you have to change your nature in order to start a new relationship is like thinking that water has to change its nature before it can perform its natural role as water. Any action resulting from this way of thinking amounts to self-deceit. When you start to act naturally, things begin to happen naturally. 

Thought of the day

Never can we assume the full knowledge of a man and what he truly  stands for until we have observed how he lives his life in time of scarcity and in time of abundance. A man can change his action in time of scarcity and in time of abundance. But a man cannot change is nature. When you live your life closest to your Source of being, neither scarcity nor abundance can change your nature.

Six Mystical Techniques for Accessing Divine Guidance

1. Letting God in and letting out your ego

2. Aligning yourself with your Source

3. Becoming Godlike in all your ways - he knows nothing of struggle, hatred, revenge, frustration, fear, tension, or excuses.

4. Acting like you imagine God does

5. Suspending your intellect

6. Using the Law of Attraction to bring godly things to yourself by keep thinking and doing only the things you would imagine that God would be thinking about or doing.

From Excuses Begone by Dr Wayne Dyer
