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Tuesday 30 July 2013

Thought of the day

What’s that old expression? “If you want to hide something from a Black person, put it in a book.” (or some people would say, "write it down").

To put a permanent lie to this stereotypical expression, start cultivating the habit of reading at least one book a month. It is the food that feeds your brain, that trains your mind, that changes your thinking, that gives you the audacity to make the change you so much desire in your life.

Monday 29 July 2013

The Ordered Steps

When God decides to move you in one direction or another, neither your action or inaction can stop it. Just step back and become a keen observer of what is unfolding and give thanks to Him each step of the way.

Friday 12 July 2013

The Empty Cup

A great Japanese master received a university professor who came to enquire about wisdom. The master served tea. He poured his visitor's cup full, and then kept on pouring. The professor watched the overflow until he could no longer restrain himself saying: "the cup is overflowing, no more water will go in!" "Like this cup," the master said, "you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you wisdom unless you first empty your cup?"

To gain a deeper understanding of the knowledge of the Source, you must learn to empty your cup. You must suspend your intellect.

Saturday 6 July 2013

The Patient Widow

In a certain town in biblical time, there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought about him. There was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with a plea for justice, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’

The judge refused. The widow persisted. She never felt any rejection. She kept knocking on the door of justice. Finally, and really finally... the judge reneged, changed his mind and said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’”

The fact that the judge finally favoured the widow for his selfish purpose was irrelevant. What gave justice to the widow was her Patience and Persistence.

When your determination to achieve anything in any area of your life is greater than any obstacle put in your way, you can count on Patience and Persistence to overcome them.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

The Sage Who Never Gave Up

There was once a renowned sage. He used to pray fervently in front of his Lord each day. One day, while he was praying, one of his followers came and sat beside him. As the two sat silently together, the sage received a message from God, which was overheard by the follower. However, the follower, out of respect for the sage, kept quiet.

The next day, the pious man was once again busy praying. The same follower was by his side when he received another message. Once again, out of respect, the follower did not ask the sage any question.

On the third day, the same thing happened. But, this time the follower decided to speak out and asked, "God has constantly been telling you that your prayer is not accepted, so why do you keep praying?" The sage, with a feeling of surprise in his face, responded and said, "You have only heard this rejection for three days and are suggesting that I give up praying, whereas I have heard this rejection for thirty years and I have not given-up or become discouraged. Anyway, who are you to interfere? It is simply my job to pray and it is for God to accept prayers as He pleases."

We should never be discouraged if our prayers are not being answered as quickly as we want. God will never let our seeds go to waste as long as we keep working hard to make them grow.

Extracted and adapted from A sufi Story
