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Monday, 21 November 2011

How to become a keen observer of events in your life

“How to become a keen observer of events in your life” is the topic of this week’s blog on “Messages, Stories and Quotes from Your MAM Coaching Buddy. Register free at to read it.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Creation Versus Evolution

God existed in space from no time. He has no beginning. He is the Source of all things. He created different planets for different purposes. At one point in time and space, He decided to create a new planet. The purpose of His new planet was to inhabit all living things to exhibit his power and glory. He called the new planet the Earth. From the first lower level of thinking things that he had created on Earth evolved the higher level thinking beings through billions and billions years of evolutionary process.  What is your thought?

Friday, 11 November 2011

Exercising Your Delegated Power

My appreciation of the power of Delegated Authority comes from many years as a public servant in more than one country. Whenever I had the privilege of exercising a delegated power, I remembered the Cross of Jesus, the symbol of the power of love and forgiveness; the symbol of the triumph of good over evil. This is the symbol of your authority to act for and on behalf the universal Power. This is the power that gives you the ability to look at your enemies in the face with full self-assurance and shout: "Get out of my life!"

Have a great weekend

Sunday, 6 November 2011

A reflection on today’s Gospel, Matthew 25:1-13

To be focused is to be as vigilant and watchful as the five wise maidens at the biblical wedding feast. To lose focus is to be like the other five foolish maidens who were not fully prepared to meet the bridegroom. Whatever journey you are undertaking in life, once you lose your purpose, you lose your bearing. 
