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Saturday, 30 July 2011

MAM Coaching's 4As simple problem solving techniques

(1)  Accepting the existence of the problem without running away from it.
(2)  Allowing the problem to pass over by letting go of any unnecessary resistance.
(3)  Awareness of the cause(s) or effect(s) of the problem and of any lessons learnt from it
(4) Action planning to include a list of all the activities you will need to take to move you to the next level.

For detail of how to apply this simple technique and for more MAM Coaching problem solving techniques click

Follow your conscience, not the crowd.

Voluntarily following another person or a group implies that you trust the person or the group to know where they are going. However, if they don't, then both of you will probably be lost. Follow your conscience and not the crowd.

Friday, 29 July 2011

What are you resisting?

Imagine yourself to be water. You have no enemy. You have no friend. You welcome all and discriminate against none. As you flow and meander your way through your course, you do not need to act as if you were anything else but water to fulfil all your roles for being water. When you meet any obstacles on your path, you are ready to wait as long as it takes the obstacles to lose all their resistance. Then you flow on. This is because you know the value and power of patience.

What course is your life taking now?
What are you resisting?
What does it take to live like water?

Thursday, 28 July 2011

One evil turn does not deserve another

It is not a mark of your stupidity when you decide to repay one evil treatment against you with a good one. It is a mark of the strength of your character.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Are you a coward or a valiant?

According to Julius Caesar, "Cowards die many times before their deaths.
The valiant never taste of death but once." In times of
fear, what becomes of you, a coward or a valiant?

Love will overcome fear

Fear is the biggest obstacle to love. Love is the essence of life. Without love, there is no life. The difference between fear and love is like the difference between light and darkness, between good and evil. When you embrace love, you overcome fear.

Obedience out of love, not fear

“Wicked people obey out of fear; good people, out of love.”   -Aristotle
What is the reason for your fear? A clean mind has nothing to fear. Fear is the absence of truth. It is the path of darkness. It is the path of the wicked. Straight is the path of good people. There is no relativity in truth. What is evil is evil. For good people, the distinction between good and evil is clear and simple. For the wicked, it is complicated because they think truth is relative. That is why good people have nothing to fear. They obey out of love not out of fear.

There is no fear in goodness

“If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.” Albert Einstein
We are good because there is goodness in each of us. Manifesting goodness in all our relationships closes the door of fear. The only one to fear is God. This fear is not that of hatred but of love, respect and reverence.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

RIP Amy Winehouse

RIP Amy Winehouse. What a classic lesson on how not to manage fame and fortune.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Smiles are contagious. Spread them around

No one can take your smile from you without you consent. Finding something that makes you smile att the time is the greatest life-prolonging medication. That thing does not have to be big. It does not have to cost you a dime. It does not have to come from another person. It could be something you already have. It could be a friend, a member of your family, your partner, your children, the nature of your job or career, your educational achievement, the forgiving attitude you have, your faith in God, your healthy disposition, your financial stability, your diligence in whatever you do , and just about anything. There is so much to be grateful for.  The more you can find those little joyful things that keep bringing smiles to your face, the more you are attracting happy feelings into your life and in the lives of those around you. Smiles are contagious. It feels good to spread them around.
Have a great weekend
From MAM Coaching

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Of Knowledge and Wisdom

“Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living, the other helps you make a life.” Sandra Carey

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Thank You Year 3 Stars

No amount of money can buy 23 greetings cards purposely and beautifully designed by 7/8 year-old pupils to show their appreciation for spending quality time with them during the 3rd year of their lifelong learning. Thank you year 3 stars!

Changing the way you think will change the action you take.

If your current need is to develop a new relationship, and you keep saying to yourself, “I’m unlikable.” To what extent do you think this ‘self-talk’ is preventing you from taking the first step towards developing a new relationship?

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Are you associating with the right people?

On the wisdom of associating with the right people, Orison Swett Marden, the black American writer associated with the New Thought Movement, has the following advice for you:
“Your outlook upon life, your estimate of yourself, your estimate of your value are largely coloured by your environment. Your whole career will be modified, shaped, moulded by your surroundings, by the character of the people with whom you come in contact with every day.”

The MAM Coaching Buddy

The MAM Coaching Buddy is a virtual life-coaching assistant that empowers you to reach your full potential and live an even more fulfilling life by becoming your own life coach. For more information, please visit

Monday, 18 July 2011

Managing your Expectations

To expect something means to hope, to anticipate, to look forward to and to think that something is about to happen. Expectation is one of the fundamental attributes of humanity. When you are in a state of expectation that something will happen, only one of two can happen. Either what you expect will happen or it does not happen. What you expect will happen do not matter if it is for good or bad. In order words, there are both positive as well as negative expectations.
Human expectations have three key components: yourself, your actions and the desired outcomes.  It works as the computer system, which has three key components: the input, the processor and the output. Another metaphor that I can think of for human expectations is the farmer, the seed and the produce. In order words, you can expect to reap whatever you sow!  In computer jargon, it is garbage in, garbage out. As a leader, if you sow sincerity of purpose, you will expect to reap trustworthiness. In any relationship, if you sow love, you will expect to reap affection and total devotion.  In a home, if you sow hospitality, you will expect to reap unity. At work, if you sow respect to others, you will expect to reap the respect of others. If you sow devotion to your duty, you will expect you rewards. The opposite of all this is also true.
Another metaphor that I regularly use to explain human expectations is that they are like a TRUST fund with five valuable assets as deposits. You can deposit and withdraw any of the five valuable assets as and when you like. The five valuable assets are:
The good thing about the TRUST fund is that it is totally under your control. This is because you cannot live your life to the expectation of others and you cannot control the action of others.
Being truthful to yourself and to others keeps your fund in credit. Any expectations that you may have that do not align with your core values and beliefs are a withdrawal from the fund. It has potential negative consequences.  Everything you do must have a reason. It does not matter whether that reason is good or bad. However, both have consequences, which you must be aware.
You cannot treat another person with contempt and yet have reasonable expectation that the person should respect you. That would be contrary to the law of give-and-take. Such unreasonable expectation is a withdrawal from the fund.
Failure to understand another person’s point of view before making assumptions about that person is a withdrawal from the fund. In any human relationship, for understanding to have a positive effect, it must be reciprocal. Because you understand your friend, you also expect that friend to understand you. That is asking too much of your friend.
Sincerity of purpose is another critical element in managing expectation.  Your inability to deliver what you have promised yourself or others is a withdrawal from the fund.  Your inability to exercise self-control in your day today relationships with other people is a withdrawal of fund. Conversely, each time you do the opposites of the above, you are adding assets to the fund.
I have my own expectation of life. I have my own expectation of my children. Those expectations came from my core values and beliefs. I brought up my children with those values and beliefs.  However, I do not expect my children to live to my own expectations. I want them to have their own expectations and aspire to live up to them.
If you expect too much for yourself, you stand the risk of not being able to bring the best out of whatever you do. If you expect too much of others you can expect disappointment as they may not live to your expectation. If people expect too much from you, they may also well go away disappointed as you may also not live up to their expectation.
Anyone can expect anything from you, only you know what you can expect of yourself. People can make judgement of what they think you should be, what they think you should do or have, it is only you that know who you are, what you can do, what you can be or what you can have. Striving to live up to other people’s expectations is like living other people’s live. You will be running like headless chicken and doing what other people expect you to do.
What people expect of you is irrelevant. What matters is what you expect of yourself.
People can expect anything from you. They have the right to think they do. However, they have no right to make you live your life to their own expectation. It is a winless war living to other people expectation. The more you strive to do that the more the shift in what they expect of you. Even when you cut off your head in order to fit the life they expect you to live, they will tell you that you should cut it closer to your neck.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Mapping Your Goals

A goal, according to the dictionary, is the aim or object towards which we direct an endeavour. A recent survey suggested that most successful people are goal orientated. They take time to name what it is they want. They build a rich picture of what achieving the goals will like and feel like. Without goal, life would be like a ship without a compass.
 A goal is a destination or a territory. Some people call it a target or an aim. The key element of a goal is that it must be personal. It mist be precise and it must have a terminal point. You cannot set a goal for another person. That would be a futile exercise.
A goal is the end of a journey. That end must be clear in the mind of the goal setter. If you do not know where you are going, how would you know when you get there? For example if you want to travel to a city, which you have never visited before, you will sit down and make a plan of how you intend to get there. You first name the city. Then find the location on a map. The location is the territory. The map is the route you take to get there. That is why they call it mapping.
If the mapping of your destination is wrong, it does not matter how efficient you are in all the other aspects of your preparations, you will only get to the wrong destination very efficiently.
Goal setting is the same. If you do not set a goal, how will you know when you have achieved it? If you want something from someone, and you cannot tell that person what it is you want, how could the person possibly help you? The clearer you are able to explain to that person what exactly you want, the more your chance of getting some help from that person. Clarity of purpose is the key.
A recent survey suggested that only 3% of the population set goals. In order words, a whopping 97% do not consider goal setting important in their lives. This is tantamount to gambling with ones precious life. Why do people fail to set goals? Why are some people afraid of setting goals?
To learn more about goal, goal-setting, the benefits of setting goals and the reasons some people are afraid of setting goals, register at Registration is free, takes less than 30 seconds and you will get 30-day free access to all our online personal development resources.


Thursday, 14 July 2011

Life is all about loving one another

"The religion of love transcends all other religions; for lovers, the only religion and belief is God." Jalal ad-Rumi

What is it to be open-minded?

To be open-minded is to seek to know and understand life in all its ramifications. It means you can open your heart to the world around you without opening your door. It means you can see the real meaning of life without looking out of your window.

The journey of life

In the journey of life, you will come across many obstacles; your attitude will determine how many of them you will overcome. It is also your attitude that will determine how many of the obstacles will overcome you.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Problem, what problem?, It is an opportunity

Whilst many of us are busy thinking about and analysing the ongoing tsunami that is engulfing the British media industry, strategic business minds the like of Rupert Murdock are focusing on any potential new business opportunities when the storms are over. When many of us see the problems, they see the opportunities. What opportunity can you see from your current tsunami?

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

The people coaching can/cannot help

1          Cannot help:
·         Those who are already satisfied with all aspects of their lives
·         Those who need no change in any aspects of their lives
·         Those who need change but can make the change happen by themselves
2          Can help:
·         Those who  need to change in any area of their lives
·         Those who are actively looking to make the change
·         Those who need help to make the change happen
If you fall in the second category, visit my website at and register free. It takes less than 30 seconds to register.

What Self-marketing toolkits do you have?

As a farmer needs the right equipments to be a good farmer and a surgeon needs efficient surgical instruments to perform an operation, so a professed self-marketing expert needs the right tools to be up to speed in all aspects of his or her life. What tools do you have to become the best of what life has in store for you?

Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are? Who do people think you are? What is the difference between the two? Register now at to find out the key differences between (a) your desired self and (b) your realised self. You will also learn how to bridge any gap between the two. Registration is free and you can do it in less than 30 seconds.  

Monday, 11 July 2011

Your Personal Unique Selling Point (PUSP)

All successful businesses have sound marketing strategies and effective marketing plans. They understand the meaning of the 7 Ps in marketing known as the marketing mix. They understand the necessity of blending the elements of the marketing mix to achieve their marketing objectives. They are able to apply judgment in placing significance on the elements for a variety of products and services. They are conscious with their branding, known as their brand identity. These are all good for business success.
 However, I believe that what is good for business success is also good for individual personal success. How do you apply marketing model to sell your personality to your relevant public? What is your personal marketing plan? What is your personal unique selling point (PUSP)?  What is your brand identity?
To know more about personal marketing and learn how to develop your own personal brand identity, register free at

Saturday, 9 July 2011

A Message from Tao te Ching

The Master does nothing, yet he leaves nothing undone.
The ordinary man is always doing things, yet many more are left to be done.

Supreme Excellence

“To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.”    Sun Tu (544BC – 496 BC)

A fool at 40 is a fool forever?

They say "a fool at 40 is a fool forever." Is there any absolute truth in this old saying? What do you think?

Friday, 8 July 2011

Are you fair to your life?

Whenever you find yourself thinking that life is not fair to you, always remember to ask yourself the following three life questions:
·         What do you expect from life?  
·         What does life expect of you?
·         Are you also fair to your life?

The Tale of Two Friends

I have two great friends. One thinks I am very rich. The other thinks I am very poor. Both are right. One thinks through the richness of the Spirit inside my body. The other thinks through the poverty of the body holding my Spirit. To see the true richness of your friend, you must go far beneath the physical.

The joy of living

Whenever you think that life no longer has anything to offer you, think of what you can offer life. The joy of living is to know and understand that there is always something to live for.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

What do you think you know?

The dilemma with great thinkers, to my mind, is that the more they think about something they thought they knew, the more they realise how little they know about it.


"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." Helen Keller

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

What are you not being grateful for?

What, if your duty requires that you must list all your blessings from the day you were born, would be the first on your list?

A great Life Coach

I consider a great life coach the one who helps others to understand themselves.

Giving your child one last gift

What, if you had an opportunity to give your child just one last gift, would it be?

Corporate social responsibility

Are organisations becoming more sensitive to their social responsibilities? Ford Motor has just announced that it has stopped advertising in the NoW pending the newspaper's investigation and response over the phone-hacking allegations. If you found out that, your organisation or a company in which you are a stakeholder is socially irresponsible in its operational practices, what would you do?

Value Vs Duty

A private investigator working for the News of the World (NoW) hacked into the voicemail of the murdered pupil, Milly Dowler, while she was missing. What would make you carry out a duty that is in conflict with your value?

Monday, 4 July 2011

Success under difficulties

“Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelmed odds.” Orison Swett Marden

Celebrating victory with a taste of the grass

Novak Djokovic ate the grass after beating Rafael Nadal at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships. What unusual thing have you done to celebrate a victory?

Friday, 1 July 2011

What makes time to be of the essence?

To find out, register free @ and read it in the summer issue of our newsletter coming out soon.

What could moments of indiscretion do to our lives

A news report suggests misgivings on house cleaner’s credibility in Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s case. Mr Strauss-Kahn, a top French politician, who recently resigned as head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), is defending himself against allegation of sexual assault.

Guilt or innocence, this case is a classic example of what moments of indiscretion can do in our lives no matter who we think we are. Every moment can add to or take away something of value from your life.

Managing the moment means becoming more in control of our emotions. This is the measure of our ability to be sub-consciously conscious of the potential consequences of all our momentary actions.

Begin with the end in mind.

The issue is not how BIG your current challenge is. It is how BIG the outcomes you are expecting from it. Begin with the end in mind.

The happiest people

The happiest people I can think of are those who do not take themselves too seriously but never take others for granted.

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